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About Us

The Team

The Mars Society of Canada (MSC) is a registered federal not-for-profit corporation operated and maintained by a core team of volunteers. These experts and advocates donate their time towards the pursuit of our mission; to foster a future of space exploration for humanity, and to advocate for the establishment of a human presence on Mars. Feel free to reach out any of our volunteers to learn more about us!

We collaborate with the Canadian public, academic institutions, industry, and government to promote space exploration science and innovation within Canada. Our education, public advocacy and analog research efforts are funded entirely by grants, donations, memberships, and corporate sponsorships. All of our activities are conducted by a dedicated team of enthusiastic and talented volunteers.

volunteer with the MSC

Inspired to volunteer with us?

We’re looking for enthusiastic people from a variety of backgrounds to help with our projects and activities.

The MSC Crew

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portrait jessica parker

Social Media Creator

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Portrait Alaa Salah Alfifi
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Portrait Vanessa Pereira
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Portrait Abby Marsden
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portrait Aastha Kacha
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Our Motto

‘Ad Martem, Pro Terrae’
(With Mars, For The Earth)

The Mars Society of Canada motto reflects several important beliefs:

Human space exploration is crucial
In order to secure a long-term future not only for humanity but for all terrestrial life, it is essential that we look to the stars. Getting humans to Mars is not only achievable, it is also deeply desirable. It is time to become a multi-planetary species and spread from Earth.

Learning to live on other worlds is good for Earth
It is a commonly held misconception that the exploration and settlement of other planets means the abandonment of our responsibilities here on Earth. This could not be more incorrect. The project of Mars exploration and settlement will bring about profound developments in science, engineering, and technology. It will also provide an unprecedented catalyst for new social, political, and economic opportunities and advancements, with the dawning of a new age for our species. The exploration and eventual inhabitation of new worlds will offer tremendous benefits for Earth.

Mars is just the beginning
Though the human exploration and settlement of Mars is our primary focus, the implications of that objective being met are – quite literally – astronomical. Human beings are creators and explorers, and through learning to live on Mars, we will be taking the first step in a far grander adventure. Having become proficient at inter-planetary travel, our descendants will be ready for a journey to the stars.

Become a Member

Be a part of this!

The Mars Society of Canada offers a professional and credible platform for all space advocates to promote Canada’s participation in Mars science and exploration. By becoming a member of our federal not-for-profit, you provide direct support for our educational, public outreach and analog research efforts. We proudly represent the voice of thousands of Canadians who believe in the profound benefit of Mars exploration, and a multi-planetary future for humanity.