MEMES: Infographic
The Mars Explorer Mobile Education Station (MEMES) will be deployed at elementary schools during 2025. You can find further information about how you can participate or support this project below.
Thought-provoking infographics designed by volunteers at The Mars Society of Canada.
The Mars Explorer Mobile Education Station (MEMES) will be deployed at elementary schools during 2025. You can find further information about how you can participate or support this project below.
Can we endure Martian isolation? Can we survive Martian gravity? Can we build with Martian soil? Can we access Martian water? An analysis of the ‘Mysteries of Mars’ suggests that we can! Infographic by Ryan Mintz
Both Electrolysis and the Sabatier reaction can be readily used to convert resources that already exist on Mars into the energy and substances that we will need to sustain communities there. Infographic by MSC volunteer, Ryan Mintz
Though the red planet is much smaller than Earth, it makes up for it with some truly colossal geological features! Enjoy this Mars infographic, which provides a quick glance at some notable differences in scale between the two planets. Click… Read More »The Scale of Mars Infographic
Last month, scientists confirmed the presence of multiple subsurface lakes under glaciers at the Martian south pole. How were these lakes found and why do they matter? Let’s dive into geophysics, astrobiology, and chemistry with this infographic!