Ron Craig has been a passionate space enthusiast since he was a small child. If he could pinpoint a single moment in the past which really stands out as the.. OMG Space is AWESOME moment it would have to be on that fated day, many years ago in high school when he came across the hard cover edition of Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan! It was all looking up from there!
Ron has spent the majority of his professional life in the software industry as a software engineer. He has worked on low level embedded systems, wrote video games for GameBoy Color in 100% pure assembly language and then broke into the modern web world in 1995 and has designed, architected and developed many web based software applications since.
Ron is currently employed as an Application Development Manager at Info-Tech Research Group which is the world’s fastest growing information technology research and advisory company!
Ron is also the original creator and host of The Mars Society podcast called Red Planet Live. Ron is extremely proud of his time working on the RPL project and is really enjoying the show’s new host and direction.
Ron now lends his expertise, time and passion to The Mars Society of Canada (MSC) to help shine the light on the amazing talented people who work in, around and for the space industry in Canada and beyond. Ron is the host of the new live online speaker series which is being produced by the MSC. If you ever put Ron on the spot and make him choose Star Trek vs Star Wars… he will pick Star Trek hands down 100% of the time!. Ron has been a HUGE Star Trek fan since he watched the original series many sols ago.
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