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Sponsoring Our Projects

Volunteers at The Mars Society of Canada (MSC) are engaged in a variety of intriguing projects and, in order to continue to develop them, we need financial assistance from individuals and organizations. Sponsoring our projects is an ideal way to give us momentum while giving you and your organization the recognition that it deserves. Although we have many projects in development, our key projects include the following:

  • The Mars Explorer Program (MEP) and the Mars Explorer Mobile Education Station (MEMES): MEP is developing a series of Moon and Mars-themed learning modules designed to inspire young students to pursue careers in STEM. MEMES is a mobile classroom that will be deployed at schools throughout Southern Ontario and Quebec in 2024 and 2025. Our volunteers will conduct lessons from this classroom using technical demonstrations and ‘mixed reality’ headsets.
  • Conferences and Hackathons: In collaboration with the European Space Agency and Space Concordia – Space Health Division, the MSC conducted the ‘SPEX2022‘ conference in Montreal. We are presently working with Astrolith to develop a ‘Space Sustainability Hackathon’ in 2025, and we are planning many other future events.
  • Analog Research: Our volunteers have participated in analog missions and we are focusing on the development of future missions and research.

We have three tiers of sponsorship, each with their own financial commitment and level of recognition. Additionally, you may select the percentage allocation for the project(s) that best fit your organization’s mandate. Further information is available on our sponsorship package: